The success story of your productive cows starts here - Twinbox / Triple box XL

The unique strengths of the Twinbox / Triple box XL

  • Group housing possible
  • Calf village/calf street outside
  • Sloping closed floor
  • Very comfortable and dry bed 
  • Drainage of manure and urine
  • Extremely hygienic
  • Super smooth cleaning
  • Mega clean design
  • Dry, clean stable floor
  • Draught-free
  • Working standing upright
Triple box XL

Different inner dimensions

Twinbox2 x 0.93 m x 1.50 m
Twinbox XL2 x 1.03 m x 1.60 m
Twinbox XXL2 x 1.20 m x 1.70 m
Triple box XL3 x 1.06 m x 1.65 m

Wondering about our other calf pens? Discover them!

The first 8 weeks after birth, calves are most susceptible to infections. Housing calves in hygienic and comfortable calf pens is therefore a must to give them the right start.

A closed floor? Only advantages!

The Twinbox/Triple box XL is equipped with a closed sloping floor. There is a urine drain pipe for each calf, ensuring that the calves lie comfortably and dry at all times. The urine can be collected if required. Thanks to the separation of urine and manure, less ammonia is formed.

The closed sloping floor ensures that the floor under and around the pens remains dry. This prevents the possible spread and cross-contamination of germs between calves and throughout the entire farm.

Extremely hygienic

Since calves are born without any immunity and are therefore very vulnerable, hygiene is an extremely important factor for the growth of your calves. The infection pressure in the Twinbox/Triple box XL drops thanks to the all-welded construction and closed floor. Germs have nowhere to settle. The pen can be completely disinfected due to the absence of gaps.

Smooth and easy cleaning

Thanks to the all-welded construction, the Twinbox/Triple box XL is cleaned in no time. The pen can be easily moved with a forklift or telehandler. Thus, mucking out and cleaning can be done at the manure site itself and germs do not spread into the stable.

Group housing

Housing your calves in groups? The extendable partitions make this possible. 

Calf village/calf street outside

Create extra space for calves without building an additional building? It is possible with our Twinbox or Triple box XL! With these outdoor pens, you can easily create your own calf village or calf street. The calves are well protected from rain and wind. The white roof blocks out the sun, keeping it pleasant in the pen even in summer.

As the roof of the pens protrude, you too are protected from rain and wind when feeding or caring for the calves. The set-up is entirely up to you and can be adjusted to suit the situation or season.

Ready to use on delivery

Both the Twinbox and Triple box XL are made ready-to-use at our factory in Ruiselede to save you as much time as possible. When the pens are delivered, you do not have to assemble anything yourself. You can start using them immediately!

Specifications: colours


The pen is made of new plastic panels and is uv-resistant. A calf pen in uv-green thus offers excellent resistance to the sun. It also has a more intense shade than a calf pen made out of recycled green panels.

Roof: uv-white

The roof of the box always consists of uv-white panels. These uv-resistant, white panels not only offer excellent resistance to the sun, they also reflect it. In this way, the calf pen does not heat up. 

Safety first

Calves should not hurt themselves on their housing. We make sure there are no sharp edges on and in the pen.

Light and strong

The calf pens are light and strong. They owe their strength to the internal cell structure and the weldability of the panels used. 

Good insulation value

The calf pens have a good insulation value. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of plastic and the hermetically enclosed air in the cell structure. Internal condensation in the calf pen is thus excluded.

100% recyclable

All panels consist of 100% recyclable materials. They are also free of toxic substances. Before purchasing these raw materials, systematic quality control is done.

Custom made for optimal health of your animals

Together with you we look at the added value of our solutions for your project!

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